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Search Results: 114
Fellowships & Grants

Spreading Love Through the Media: Request for Proposals

Greater Good Science Center

"The GGSC is pleased to announce a request for proposals (RFP) to support nonfiction content and reported stories related to love. We are interested in projects that extend well beyond romantic love; we define love as a deep, unselfish commitment to another person’s well-being—even to put their interests before your own. With funding from the John Templeton Foundation, the GGSC will distribute grants of between $5,000 and $50,000 to two dozen journalists and media producers who approach the topic of love from a variety of angles and across a range of media, including articles, videos, radio stories, podcasts, social media content, and more." The application deadline is 11:59 pm PT on March 24, 2025.
Fellowships & Grants

Dalla Lana Fellowship in Journalism and Health Impact

Dalla Lana School of Public Health

"Since 2012, more than 200 subject-matter specialists from around the world have joined the Fellowship in Journalism and Health Impact to learn journalism. Applying the skills they’ve learned in the program, they’ve moved on to become award-winning reporters, senior policy-makers, institutional leaders and breakthrough researchers." Twenty journalists from aroun the world are admitted to the academic-year fellowship. It begins with a 10-day boot camp. Every fellow is assigned to a six-person “bureau” under the mentorship of a highly experienced journalist. It continues courses taught two days each month. Tuition is $13,000 CAD.
Fellowships & Grants

Public Health Reporting Fellowship

National Press Club Journalism Institute

"The Common Health Coalition and the National Press Club Journalism Institute have launched a new fellowship opportunity for mid-career journalists. The Public Health Reporting Fellowship will award up to $7,500 each to five individuals to support reporting projects focused on the intersection of public health policy and health care delivery. " "Applicants will be asked to propose a significant reporting project covering a critical community, regional, state, or national public health issue, to be published or distributed by July 2025." The deadline to apply for the six-month program is January 6, 2025.
Fellowships & Grants

2025 United Nations Foundation Polio Press Fellowship for Individual Reporting to Africa

United Nations Foundation

The UN Foundation has launched a call for applications for its 2025 Polio Press Fellowship, geared toward journalists who are interested in reporting on stories on polio eradication in Africa. The goal of this fellowship is to provide professional journalists with the means to travel outside their country of residence to areas affected by polio to report on the importance of polio eradication work, as well as ways in which polio infrastructure can contribute to broader health goals. Upon participating in a series of virtual polio training sessions, selected journalists will receive funding to travel independently to one or more countries in Africa at the forefront of the polio eradication effort to gather stories and interviews with polio survivors, health care workers, community members, families, and health authorities. Preference will be given to reporters interested in traveling to the following countries: Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Niger, Nigeria, Madagascar, and Mozambique. The deadline to apply is January 3, 2025.
Fellowships & Grants

Ferriss – UC Berkeley Psychedelic Journalism Fellowship

UC Berkeley

"The Ferriss – UC Berkeley Psychedelic Journalism Fellowship offers ten $10,000 reporting grants per year to journalists reporting in-depth print and audio stories on the science, policy, business and culture of this new era of psychedelics. In addition to underwriting individual stories, the Fellowship aims to establish and nurture a new generation of journalists covering the frontlines of this rapidly changing field. We’re looking for big, underreported, narratively compelling stories placed in rich political, economic, scientific, and cultural contexts. We are committed to supporting journalists from diverse backgrounds and of all nationalities. The fellowship is a project of the U.C. Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics." The deadline is January 31, 2025.
Fellowships & Grants

Health Journalism Fellowship

Journalism & Women Symposium (JAWS)

"With generous support from The Commonwealth Fund, the Journalism & Women Symposium (JAWS) is pleased to offer a unique opportunity to early career women journalists and journalists new to the health beat, who have an interest in and passion for upping their health care reporting skills." The fellowship will "train and support" eight journalists who are early-career or new to the health beat as they complete intensive projects. Potential topics include health equity, cost and quality of care, women's health, delivery system reform, and Medicare/Medicaid. The 2025 application deadline is December 6, 2024.
Fellowships & Grants

Fellowship for advancing science journalism in Africa and the Middle East

Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT

"This one-semester fellowship, hosted by the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT, was inspired by the life and career of Egyptian science journalist Mohammed Yahia. The fellowship is designed to enrich the training of a journalist from Africa or the Middle East so they can contribute to a culture of high-quality science and health journalism in those regions, as well as raising awareness of regional advances in the rest of the world." This one-semester fellowship is open to journalists based in Africa and the Middle East with at least three years’ experience reporting on science, health or environmental issues in the region. It is held in the fall of the academic year and hosted by KSJ at MIT. It includes a $40,000 stipend, health insurance, and other benefits. Applications for 2025 will close January 15, 2025.
Fellowships & Grants

AAAS Mass Media Fellowships

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

"This 10-week summer program places science, engineering, and mathematics students at media organizations nationwide. Fellows use their academic training as they research, write, and report today’s headlines, sharpening their abilities to communicate complex scientific issues to the public." The program typically accepts applications in the fall for a fellowship in the summer of the next year, which includes trainings in Washington, D.C., and placement at a media organization. Upper-level undergrad students, graduate students, and postdocs in science and engineering fields are eligible to apply. For the 2025 program, the deadline to apply is January 1, 2025, and the fellowship will take place June 4-August 19.
Fellowships & Grants

Climate and Environmental Science Fellowship for Local Journalism

Metcalf Institute, University of Rhode Island

"The Climate and Environmental Science Fellowship for Local Journalism is a new initiative designed to support local newsrooms in their efforts to report on the science of climate and environmental change. Importantly, this fellowship focuses on local newsrooms — not individuals in newsrooms — and their specific challenges in reporting on these issues for their communities. ... The first cohort for the fellowship will focus on newsrooms in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts with 10 newsrooms chosen from submitted and complete applications." The deadline for the first 2025 cohort was November 17, 2024.
Fellowships & Grants

Wellcome Collection Non-Fiction Awards

Wellcome Collection

"The Wellcome Collection Non-Fiction Awards aims to find and support writers from underrepresented groups, who have a big idea for a non-fiction book for general readers, that engages with the themes of health and being human. The Awards will support 6 writers in 2025." Applications for the 2025 awards are due on November 11, 2024.
Fellowships & Grants

Maria Leptin/EMBO Science Journalism Fellowships

European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)

"Maria Leptin | EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Science Journalism Fellowships support science journalists and life scientists entering careers as science journalists covering life science research. Fellows receive stipends for a duration of three to twelve months to fund their stays in media outlets of any type, editorial offices, or research institutions that make the fellows advance in their careers as science journalists." To be eligible, applicants must reside in one of the 31 EMBO member states and must be applying for internships or volunteer positions in science journalism. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Fellowships & Grants

Seed grants for climate and environmental journalism

Earth Journalism Network

"EJN is offering seed grants of approximately $8,000 each to three immigrant, Black, Indigenous and/or people of color-serving newsrooms and media collectives in the United States and Canada, with support from the Wikimedia Foundation. These grants are intended to fund the initial production of new journalistic tools or resources (such as open-source databases) and/or the publication of multi-part, longform journalistic work (such as an investigative series or a podcast). Along with funding, selected grantees will benefit from mentorship from media trainers, facilitated connections to relevant experts and assistance with media sustainability." The deadline is October 31, 2024.