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AAAS Mass Media Fellowships

"This 10-week summer program places science, engineering, and mathematics students at media organizations nationwide. Fellows use their academic training as they research, write, and report today’s headlines, sharpening their abilities

Sloan Foundation Book Program

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation provides grants to authors working on science-related books. Grants typically range from $20,000 to $50,000 and may support research and writing activities. Eligible book projects

Public Health Reporting Fellowship

"The Common Health Coalition and the National Press Club Journalism Institute have launched a new fellowship opportunity for mid-career journalists. The Public Health Reporting Fellowship will award up to $7,500

Logan Science Journalism Program fellowships

"The Logan Science Journalism Program, founded in 1986, offers science journalists, writers, editors, and broadcast journalists a chance to forget about story deadlines and immerse themselves in basic biomedical or

Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT

"Every year, the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT offers academic-year fellowships to 10 science journalists, to give them an opportunity to explore science, technology, and the craft of journalism;

Nieman Foundation Fellowships at Harvard

Each year, the Nieman Foundation awards paid fellowships to up to 24 journalists working in print, broadcast, digital and audiovisual media. Those selected for the program spend two full semesters

Knight-Wallace fellowships at University of Michigan

"Knight-Wallace Fellowships offer accomplished journalists two rare commodities: time and resources. Journalists eager for growth and deeply committed to the future of journalism spend an academic year at The University

Reynolds Journalism Institute fellowships

"The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute invites proposals from individuals and organizations who wish to partner with us on practical innovative projects for community centered news, journalists, and the communities

Y. Eva Tan Conservation Reporting Fellowship Program

"Mongabay’s Y. Eva Tan Conservation Reporting Fellowship Program provides opportunities for journalists from biodiversity hotspots in tropical countries to report on critical environmental issues, gaining valuable training, experience, and credibility