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Search Results: 27

Landing the story: Tips for PIOs working with journalists

This article summarizes a panel session at the ScienceWriters2024 meeting in which speakers discussed how public information officers (PIOs) can better work with journalists. Speakers included Victoria Jaggard, executive editor at Science News magazine; Laura Helmuth, the recent editor-in-chief of Scientific American; Jeff Grabmeier, Senior Director of Research Communications at Ohio State University; and Kelly Tyrrell, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Content Strategy at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Fellowships & Grants

Princeton University Press book proposal grants

Princeton University Press

These grants from Princeton University Press support authors from under-represented groups in STEM working on nonfiction books about science topics. Grantees receive coaching from Princeton University Press editors and consideration for publication. Both first-time and previously published authors are eligible. The application deadline for the 2024 grant cycle is October 11.
Resource Database / Guide

Tip sheet: Best practices for pitching freelance stories

CASW Connector

On January 10, CASW Connector hosted a Chat discussing the best practices for pitching freelance stories, including how to structure your pitch, how to approach new editors, the art of the soft pitch, and much more. The panelists answered attendees’ questions, and participants discussed specific issues about pitching in breakout groups. This event was facilitated by Connector managing editor Kate Travis, and the panelists were: Robin Lloyd, freelance writer and editor, CASW president, and creator and curator of Science media outlets to pitch; Victoria Jaggard, deputy editor, health and science, The Washington Post; Esther Landhuis, freelance science & health journalist; and Debbie Ponchner, editor, Knowable en español, and CASW board member.

How to pitch to a science editor

"Successfully pitching a story to a science editor requires a wide range of skills, from researching their outlet to communicating with them in a professional way. In this practical guide, we have compiled advice from six different science editors with extensive experience in commissioning pieces for a number of different outlets including Science, BBC Focus Magazine, New Scientist, the Mail and Guardian and SciDev.Net. Following the advice in this guide will increase the chances of getting your story accepted by an editor."

Pitching errors: How not to pitch

"Writing a good pitch is really tough. Writing a bad one is easy. Editors see the same mistakes over and over again, even from good writers." Seven editors from a variety of publications had a roundtable, email discussion about how not to pitch. This resulting article is full of do's and don't and practical advice for what not to do when pitching a story.

International opportunities for Latin American science journalists


In this webinar, a session from the Symposium to Advance Science Communication and Journalism in Chile (SAPeCCT) 2023, a panel of editors at science publications discussed freelance opportunities for writers in Latin America. The panel included Debbie Ponchner, Knowable en español; David Malakoff, Science; Rachel Courtland, MIT Technology Review; Lynne Walker, Stories Without Borders; Lauren Wolf, Nature; and Siri Carpenter, The Open Notebook.

Ask TON: How much time should I spend preparing a pitch?

Writers and editors at The Open Notebook respond to a question from a reader: "What is a normal amount of time to spend on preparing pitches for magazine feature stories? I’ve heard people say they spend as little as an hour, and others say they conduct multiple interviews before pitching—and I assume they then spend a good deal of time writing the pitch itself. What’s usually the best approach, practically speaking?”

How to successfully pitch The New York Times (or, well, anyone else)

In this article, Tim Herrera (who was, at the time, Smarter Living editor at the New York Times) explains some common do's and don't's of pitching freelance journalism articles. He writes: "After consulting with about a dozen editors who commission stories at publications ranging from small, niche blogs to national magazines and newspapers, I’ve pulled together the six most common mistakes freelancers make when pitching — and what you can do to impress an editor."

Out of this world: Writing space books

DC Science Writers Association

"From the moon to the far reaches of the universe, there’s a lot to cover in the realm of space science. How do authors find book topics, research them, and put them together into engaging works? In this panel, hosted by DCSWA on November 8, 2023, hear from preeminent science writers David W. Brown, author of “The Mission,” and Jaime Green, author of “The Possibility of Life: Science, Imagination, and Our Quest for Kinship in the Cosmos.” The panel was moderated by Liz Landau, science writer and DCSWA board member."

Sharpening ideas: From topic to story

"As science writers, we learn about fascinating topics daily, and explaining that complexity is one of the joys of our work. But to sell the story to our editors, we need a good angle and often a compelling narrative approach. This can challenge even experienced writers."

Is this a story? How to evaluate your ideas before you pitch

"When a journalist is on the prowl for a new story, every yarn spun by a friend, every press release, every vacation adventure, and every quirky local news item can seem like the beginning of a great story idea. But most glimmers of inspiration turn out to be just that—transient inklings. Only a few will be real gems. The most successful freelancers can quickly sift through their ideas and see whether an idea deserves to exist as a story, and what kind of story to pitch. This evaluation is usually an intuitive process, honed over years of practice. But learning the right questions to ask about your ideas can help accelerate the learning curve."

Finding the science in any story

"Not all science writing has to be deeply academic or focused on dense concepts. Science writing can be crowd-pleasing, and shareable, and even sarcastic or funny. And it can belong in publications whose focus might seem far removed from science, such as magazines centered on fashion, business, food, public policy, sports, parenting … or just about anything else. For a freelancer, finding a scientific angle on a trending news topic can make a pitch pleasantly unexpected, and more likely to pique an editor’s interest."