Video recording, resources, and tips from the CASW Connector Chat on Wednesday, November 8, 2023

On November 8, CASW Connector hosted a Chat discussing fellowships for science journalists.  Panelists offered the inside track on the fellowship experience, choosing the right fellowship for you, crafting a competitive application, and more, and answered questions from participants.

The Chat also included a brief demo of CASW Connector, a library of science writing resources — including fellowship opportunities. This event was facilitated by Connector managing editor Kate Travis, and the panelists were: 

  • Jyoti S Madhusoodanan, freelance science journalist
  • Neel Dhanesha, founding staff writer, Heatmap
  • Deborah Blum, director, Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT

Below, you can watch a recording of the Chat and read through fellowship links and tips provided by the panelists.

For questions, contact the CASW Connector team at And sign up for our newsletter to receive updates about future Connector Chats!

Fellowship links:

Early-career fellowships

Mid-career fellowships

International fellowships

Topic-specific trainings

Other links:

Tips from the session:

Why apply for fellowships?

  • Fellowships are individual but also provide community, can be a great way to network (especially with journalists who have different beats or focus areas from you)
  • Early-career programs often provide training, networking, mentorship, opportunities to travel to conferences
  • Mid-career programs often provide space and support to pursue a larger project, like a series of features or a book
  • Other fellowships might provide training on a specific topic relevant to your beat, support for a specific project, and other smaller-scale career development opportunities

How to find fellowships

How to craft a winning application

  • Think about how you can take reporting from your community/beat and expand it to have bigger impact (national level, societal effects, etc.) for a potential project proposal
  • For topical fellowships, try to connect your goals with that of the funding organization
  • Applications are a good opportunity to get your personality across; organizations want to craft an engaging cohort, so show them why you should be among that group
  • If you don’t succeed at first, reapply!
    • And ask for feedback on why you weren’t selected; maybe the organization liked your application, but you weren’t a good fit for a particular year’s cohort
  • Notes about KSJ at MIT:
    • KSJ invites finalists to reapply; some fellows are accepted on their third or fourth application
    • KSJ is in the process of a creating a one-semester fellowship for journalists from Africa (likely starting in 2025)