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Public Health Reporting Fellowship

"The Common Health Coalition and the National Press Club Journalism Institute have launched a new fellowship opportunity for mid-career journalists. The Public Health Reporting Fellowship will award up to $7,500

Goldsmith Prize for Explanatory Reporting

"The new Goldsmith Prize for Explanatory Reporting honors reporting that focuses on the functioning of government and the implementation of public policy. Exemplary pieces use an explanatory and solutions-focused lens

Logan Science Journalism Program fellowships

"The Logan Science Journalism Program, founded in 1986, offers science journalists, writers, editors, and broadcast journalists a chance to forget about story deadlines and immerse themselves in basic biomedical or

Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT

"Every year, the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT offers academic-year fellowships to 10 science journalists, to give them an opportunity to explore science, technology, and the craft of journalism;

Lunch and Learn: Tips and tools to meet your goals

At AHCJ’s Lunch and Learns, freelancer members chat about a designated topic over Zoom every third Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. The Zoom link is always the same.

Introduction to Reporting on AI

This track of the AI Spotlight Series, co-organized with Africa Check and Code for Africa, is designed for reporters interested in getting started but with minimal or no knowledge of

AHCJ Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism

"Since 2004, the Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism have recognized the best health reporting in print, broadcast, and online media. The contest was created by journalists for journalists

NFPW Professional Communications Contest

The NFPW National Communications Contest is open to writers regardless of gender, professional status, or location. Categories include writing, editing, photography, web and social media, and more. Entrants apply at