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Topic: Editing

Special issue on careers in scientific editing and publishing

Council of Science Editors (CSE)

"The focus of this issue of Science Editor is on careers and roles in scientific editing and publishing. In 2017, we published a similar special careers-focused issue, and it seemed a good time to explore what has shifted in the past 6 years. This issue includes interviews and articles covering an array of editor roles and positions, many of which are new, have increased in prominence, or significantly changed in the last few years. There are also articles on the importance of training and preparing the next generation of researchers and editors, increasing diversity and equity, and the transition to remote work."

Top tips for breaking into narrative journalism


Journalist Barbara Mantel hosted a webinar on breaking into narrative journalism with panelists Jane C. Hu, a freelance writer based in Seattle; Brady Huggett, the enterprise editor at Spectrum; and Pamela Weintraub, the senior editor for science and psychology at Aeon and the co-editor in chief of OpenMind magazine. This article rounds up the some key takeaways from the webinar. "Hu shared her experience researching, pitching and getting funding for these character-rich, complicated stories. Huggett and Weintraub talked about the hard work that goes into editing them. All three offered valuable advice to freelancers."

Science Editing Webinar Series

Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT

This six-webinar series will help you develop your science editing skills. "Each event features several leading science journalists who dive deep into topics including source diversity and development, covering health issues, and handling controversial topics." The series is a companion to the KSJ Science Editing Handbook (, a project of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT.
Twitter thread

Writing and editing tips from Laura Helmuth

Laura Helmuth, now the editor in chief of Scientific American, shares some common mistakes and misuses she sees often in stories, and offers tips on how to fix them.

Virtual Workshop Series: The craft of science editing

The Open Notebook

"Science editors have few formal opportunities to learn critical skills. To help fill this critical gap, The Open Notebook is offering a series of virtual, interactive workshops that will give emerging and established editors the skills and confidence to work with writers on selecting and sharpening story ideas, planning and carrying out reporting, anticipating and troubleshooting problems in the reporting and writing process, and crafting accurate and compelling stories." The workshop series has run three times, most recently in spring-summer 2023. The registration fee is $90 per workshop, though discounted rates are available.

KSJ Science Editing Handbook

The KSJ Science Editing Handbook, a product of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT, offers practical tips for editors. Written by editors from a variety of science-focused publications, the book includes chapters on statistics, sources, the science enterprise, topical guides, reader engagement, misinformation, and more. The handbook is free and available online and as a downloadable PDF.
Academic program

University of Chicago: Certificate in medical writing and editing

University of Chicago

"Developed for professionals with backgrounds in science or writing, the online medical writing certificate program with synchronous sessions has a comprehensive curriculum focused on creating medical communicators with strong writing, editing, data reporting, and analytic skills. Students have the opportunity to boost their skills quickly in nine months to one year, part-time."