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Topic: Tools for advancing diversity and inclusion

CivicSciTV Network – YouTube

Civic Science Media Lab

CivicSciTV is a broadcasting network built and managed by the Civic Science Media Lab (CS Media Lab) that is mapping the civic nature of science which pertains to how science and its practitioners are interacting with local communities to solve real-world problems and foster informed decision-making. Through the practice of civic science journalism, the primary goal for the network is to engage scholars and practitioners across the landscape to make new insights more accessible, informative, and actionable for scientists across different career stages, science engagement practitioners (science communicators, science journalists, science educators, funders, entrepreneurs) and other decision-makers. Additional coverage is also provided on print and radio. The CS Media Lab is directed by former neuroscientist turned civic science scholar-journalist Fanuel Muindi, who is a professor of practice in the College of Arts, Media, and Design (CAMD) at Northeastern University.
Resource Database / Guide

Science Reporting Quick Tips — The Open Notebook & SciLine

SciLine, The Open Notebook

"To cover science well, journalists have to enter the scientific world a bit themselves, by reading research papers, interviewing scientists, and evaluating evidence. Whatever your background, these are concrete skills that any journalist can sharpen. To pave the way, The Open Notebook and SciLine have teamed up to distill key science reporting skills into a series of quick-hit resources for journalists with deadlines to meet." The series includes tip sheets on finding expert scientific sources, finding and including diverse sources, making sense of scientific studies, and stats terms for covering science.
Resource Database / Guide

A practical guide to planning an engagement strategy for your global health research funding application

"This Mesh practical guide outlines how to plan a Community Engagement and Involvement (CEI*) strategy for a grant application. The guide describes how many global health funding agencies demand that CEI is fully integrated into any proposed research and it outlines some ways of engaging communities and relevant stakeholders whilst preparing a funding application. It also describes what to include in a thoughtful and appropriate engagement strategy that is integrated into research."

Why this matters: How to cover health disparities more effectively

A new study from researchers at Cornell University found that how health disparities were framed in news articles had an impact on readers' perceptions of their risks. AHCJ spoke with Jeff Niederdeppe, Ph.D., who led the research, about this work and "what journalists can do to improve their coverage of health disparities while thinking about the impact their language has on readers."

Covering climate as an Indigenous Affairs beat

In this article, Tristan Ahtone describes how he has approached harnessing Indigenous frameworks and expertise in covering climate change, as Grist's editor-at-large working on the Indigenous Affairs desk. He writes: "Incorporating Indigenous frameworks into our climate coverage represents a fresh approach and illustrates one of our most important goals: coverage of Indigenous stories for Indigenous readers. And one of the best ways we can do that is by embracing the traditions and practices that Indigenous Affairs desks and reporters have used for years — examining the social, governmental, and economic systems that foster inequality. It’s a framing that’s particularly important for climate change because of the disproportionate effect rising temperatures have on Indigenous communities and peoples who have contributed to it the least."

The Seedling

Uproot Project

"The Uproot Project produces a biweekly newsletter called The Seedling, which is dedicated to keeping members up to date on all things Uproot. In each issue of The Seedling, one of our members writes to our subscribers about an impactful topic or story that is relevant for the Uproot community. Past issues have touched on topics ranging from extreme heat, to climate fiction, to Bad Bunny lyrics. We also use the newsletter to share job opportunities, fellowships and grants, upcoming Uproot events, and amplifying the work of our members."

The Uproot Project

The Uproot Project is a network of and for environmental journalists of color. It has a national membership composed of journalists from across national and regional media institutions. The Uproot Project is open to journalists of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds, but its goal is to uplift and support journalists of color who have been underrepresented in the journalism industry for far too long. The group is currently funded by and assisted operationally by Grist, a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future. The website includes a publicly available journalist database for people seeking to connect with editors, mentors, experts, sources, and other journalists of color within the environmental space.

How to report on physics and physicists in an accurate and accessible way

Institute of Physics (IOP)

"You as journalists can have life-changing impacts on those reading, watching or listening. To help, the IOP has produced a guide and a handy checklist to help ensure that your coverage of physics steers clear of entrenched stereotypes and instead presents an accurate representation of our subject and who does it. Our guide is packed with advice, plus we have a toolkit including sources for quotes, tips for inclusive language and links to physics explanations, along with other resources too."
Resource Database / Guide

Inclusive Science Communication resources

Inclusive SciComm Symposium, Metcalf Institute, University of Rhode Island

The Inclusive SciComm Symposium convenes every two years to bring together "people who work to shift science and science communication toward a just, equitable, and inclusive future." This crowdsourced resource lists topics related to inclusive science communication, education, and public engagement. This site also offers videos from past events hosted by this symposium.
Source database

Source database — 500 Queer Scientists

500 Queer Scientists

500 Queer Scientists is "a visibility campaign for LGBTQ+ people and their allies working in STEM and STEM-supporting jobs — a group that collectively represents a powerful force of scientific progress and discovery." The organization offers a source database for journalists, along with events and resources for LGBTQ+ scientists.
Source database

Science Writers Database

The Open Notebook

The Open Notebook has developed a free, public database of journalists, writers, editors, and other communicators who cover science and related fields. This database is intended "to help people within our community find one another and diversify their networks." Editors might use it to find freelancers for specific stories, conference organizers might use it to find panelists, and journalists might use it to find collaborators for new projects, among other potential connections.
Resource Database / Guide

Finding diverse sources for science stories

The Open Notebook has compiled a number of resources and strategies that reporters can use to ensure their stories include more diverse voices, and are more accurate and complete as a result. "Strategies for finding diverse sources can include drawing on publicly available scientist databases, social media accounts and hashtags, affinity organizations in STEM, sources, colleagues, public information officers, expert-referral services, and online discussion groups. We also suggest ways for editors to support reporters’ efforts to include more diverse sources, including by creating a newsroom culture that welcomes collaborative discussion about diversity (in sourcing and other respects), by setting and tracking goals, and by encouraging and concretely supporting reporters’ sourcing efforts."
Resource Database / Guide

Diverse Databases: 100+ databases featuring talent from underrepresented groups

Editors of Color

"As we move toward a more equitable world, every industry is going to need new networks and resources to help them connect with talented people of color. In the spirit of this shared goal, Editors of Color is pleased to provide links to other databases of diverse talent." The list includes diverse sources in science, health, tech, political science, and much more.
Source database

Disabled Writers database

Disabled Writers

"Our goal is to promote paid opportunities for multiply marginalized members of the disability community, and to encourage editors and journalists to think of disabled people for stories that stretch beyond disability issues. This resource is specifically designed to help editors connect with disabled people working in journalism, or trying to break into the field. It also includes disabled experts who are available to serve as sources, such as attorneys, physicians, social workers, artists, and others with professional experience or education that makes them expert sources in their fields."
Source database

Diverse Sources: Science, health, and environment experts available on deadline

"Diverse Sources is a searchable database of underrepresented experts in the areas of science, health and the environment. Anyone who considers themselves underrepresented and is willing to respond to journalists on deadline is encouraged to join (including but not limited to ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, language, mental health experience, nationality, physical abilities, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, veteran status, etc.)."
Source database

NPR Diverse Sources Database

National Public Radio (NPR)

"The Diverse Sources Database is NPR’s resource for journalists who believe in the value of diversity and share our goal to make public radio look and sound like America. Originally called Source of the Week, the database launched in 2013 as a way help journalists at NPR and member stations expand the racial/ethnic diversity of the experts they tap for stories." This database is maintained by the NPR Training team, who note that checking LinkedIn and/or Twitter for a source's current affiliation may be helpful before reaching out.
Source database

Gage – 500 Women Scientists

500 Women Scientists

"Gage is a global search platform where journalists, media outlets, conference planners and others seeking brilliant voices in science can discover women and gender diverse folks in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM)."
Resource Database / Guide

Information Equity Database

"This updated ONA Information Equity Database is meant to help journalists reach and engage with communities who have been historically under- or misrepresented in journalism. Through this database, we provide advice for identifying gaps in information access, gaining a community’s trust and making the business case for audience engagement to newsroom leadership. "Examples of what you’ll find include a cultural competence guide from the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, an LGBTQ+ reference guide from GLAAD and a disability language style guide from the National Center on Disability and Journalism. These resources have been thoughtfully vetted and curated and are tagged by the community served — for example, there are categories for demographic context such as young people, those living with a disability and LGBTQ+ people."

The Open Notebook

The Open Notebook

"The Open Notebook is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides tools and resources to help science, environmental, and health journalists at all experience levels sharpen their skills. We are guided by two principles: that high-quality science journalism is essential to society, and that everyone, including science journalists, learns best by practicing the craft as part of a supportive, diverse community of people who are all striving to master their skills."
Fellowships & Grants

Public Voices Fellowships

The Op-Ed Project

"The OpEd Project’s Public Voices Fellowship is a national initiative first piloted at Yale, Stanford, and Princeton Universities, and now rolling out in partnership with top universities and foundations across the nation." The fellowship is a one-year program designed to increase the public impact of top academics. It is customized for women and underrepresented thought leaders; it includes trainings on pitching/writing opinion articles and connections with media insiders.