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Introduction to Reporting on AI

This track of the AI Spotlight Series, co-organized with Africa Check and Code for Africa, is designed for reporters interested in getting started but with minimal or no knowledge of

AHCJ Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism

"Since 2004, the Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism have recognized the best health reporting in print, broadcast, and online media. The contest was created by journalists for journalists

NFPW Professional Communications Contest

The NFPW National Communications Contest is open to writers regardless of gender, professional status, or location. Categories include writing, editing, photography, web and social media, and more. Entrants apply at

Nieman Foundation Fellowships at Harvard

Each year, the Nieman Foundation awards paid fellowships to up to 24 journalists working in print, broadcast, digital and audiovisual media. Those selected for the program spend two full semesters

Knight Science Journalism Victor K. McElheny Award

"The Victor K. McElheny Award recognizes outstanding local and regional journalism covering issues in science, public health, technology, or the environment. Each year, the award honors a single entry —

Knight-Wallace fellowships at University of Michigan

"Knight-Wallace Fellowships offer accomplished journalists two rare commodities: time and resources. Journalists eager for growth and deeply committed to the future of journalism spend an academic year at The University

NASW Excellence in Institutional Writing Awards

"The National Association of Science Writers established the Excellence in Institutional Writing Award in 2018 to recognize high-caliber, publicly accessible science writing produced on behalf of an institution or other

NASW Science in Society Journalism Awards

"The Science in Society Journalism Awards provide recognition for investigative or interpretive reporting about the sciences and their impact on society and are funded by the National Association of Science

Reynolds Journalism Institute fellowships

"The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute invites proposals from individuals and organizations who wish to partner with us on practical innovative projects for community centered news, journalists, and the communities