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Topic: Journalism

Media for Environment, Science, Health and Agriculture in Kenya (MESHA)

"Media for Environment, Science, Health and Agriculture in Kenya (MESHA) is an association of journalists and communicators who are specialized in environmental, agriculture, health, technology and development reporting. It is a non-partisan and not for profit making organization which has been in existence since October 2005." MESHA offers regular and student memberships, and publishes Sayansi Magazine.

Kenya Environment & Science Journalists Association

"Kenya Environment and Science Journalists Association (KENSJA), a non-political, professional body for environment and science journalists in Kenya, brings together science journalists in the country to encourage high standards of professionalism and to promote a science culture by developing the skills of journalists in communicating science. Some of its objectives are to form a network of science journalists, to play a role in developing skills of journalists, to monitor Kenyan policy issues on environment and science and the media on both poor and excellent science coverage."

Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award


The Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award recognizes the accomplishments of a mid-career science journalist with a career prize and a grant of at least $20,000 to enable the winner to undertake a significant reporting project. It recognizes and supports reporting and writing that embodies the high standards embodied by Sharon Begley (1956–2021), a science journalist of unflinching dedication, skill, moral clarity, and commitment to mentoring. For 2024, the entry period is January 1 to May 15, 2024, and the winner will be announced in late summer. Candidates must be experienced journalists who have compiled a substantial body of work in science journalism, defined as print, audio, video, and online reporting on science, health/medicine, environment, mathematics, and technology.
Fellowships & Grants

Sharon Begley Science Reporting Fellowship


"STAT, the leading health and science news publication, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are accepting applications for the Sharon Begley Science Reporting Fellowship, which has the goal of diversifying the ranks of science and health journalists and fostering better coverage of science that is relevant to all people. It combines a paid reporting position at STAT with an educational component through MIT’s prestigious Knight Science Journalism (KSJ) program. The one-year fellowship is intended for early-career U.S. journalists from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the profession and will prepare them for a successful career in science journalism." The deadline for the 2024-25 fellowship is April 26.

Eric and Wendy Schmidt Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, Schmidt Futures

Applications for the 2024 awards are now open, with a deadline of March 31. "The National Academies Eric and Wendy Schmidt Awards for Excellence in Science Communications, given by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in partnership with Schmidt Sciences, recognize excellent science communicators, science journalists, and research scientists who have developed creative, original work to communicate issues and advances in science, engineering, or medicine for the general public." In 2024, the awards will be given to nine research scientists, nine science journalists, and six science communicators who developed created, original work published or released in 2023 that explores issues or advances in science, engineering or medicine for the general public.
Fellowships & Grants

USC Annenberg National Fellowship

Center for Health Journalism, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

"Our National Fellowship helps journalists and their newsrooms report deeply and authoritatively on the health, welfare and well-being of children, families and communities. The program prepares fellows to report a major enterprise health or social well-being reporting project in the months that follow our initial week of intensive learning in Los Angeles." Fellowships receive a week of training, reporting grants of $2,000 to $10,000, and mentorship on their reporting projects. The deadline for the 2024 National Fellowship is April 10.

Science Journalism Is Shrinking–Along With Public Trust In Science

"Beyond talented journalists losing their jobs, many people seem to be losing trust in science in general. A recent Pew Research Center survey found that only 57% of Americans think science has a mostly positive effect on society, down considerably since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Is the waning trust in science reflected in the shrinking of science journalism? Ira talks about the current state of science journalism with Deborah Blum, science journalist, author, publisher of Undark magazine, and director of the Knight Science Journalism Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Sabrina Imbler, author and science reporter for Defector."

Health Journalism 2024


The Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) will hold its annual Health Journalism Conference from June 6-9, 2024 in New York City. HJ24 will "bring together journalists, health care professionals, policymakers and experts from various fields to explore and discuss the latest trends, challenges and innovations in health journalism." The conference features "keynote speakers, interactive workshops, field trips, panel discussions and networking opportunities, providing a platform for attendees to deepen their understanding of crucial health issues and enhance their reporting skills."

A journalist’s guide to CCS greenwashing at COP28: Tips for covering carbon capture


"What is carbon capture and storage, why will it be a hot topic at COP28, and how can journalists cover it better? Join DeSmog editors and reporters to find out!" This video is a recording of a webinar on November 13, 2023, in which expert journalists share recommendations for covering carbon capture and storage. They focused on "tips for avoiding pitfalls and misleading fossil fuel industry narratives."
Resource Database / Guide

Being a Science Journalist

Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT

"So you want to be a science journalist? People arrive at science journalism from all manner of professional backgrounds. Whether you’re a scientist ready for a career change, a journalist interested in specializing in a science-related beat, a student, or a recent graduate, this curated list of resources can help you get started on your journey." Resources include: Breaking In, Learning the Craft, Societies and Conferences, Academic Programs, Internships and Fellowships, Freelancing.
Fellowships & Grants

EurekAlert! Fellowships for International Science Reporters

EurekAlert!, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

The EurekAlert! Fellowships for International Science Reporters support excellence in science communication globally, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. Through the fellowship program, EurekAlert! provides early-career science, technology, and health journalists opportunities to cover the latest research and network with peers from around the world at the AAAS Annual Meeting. In 2023, The EurekAlert! Fellowships for International Science Reporters accepted applications from early-career Latin American science journalists. The deadline to apply was October 5.
Fellowships & Grants

AHCJ Reporting Fellowships on Health Care Performance


"Through the AHCJ Reporting Fellowships on Health Care Performance, supported by The Commonwealth Fund, you can pursue a significant reporting project related to the U.S. health care system at the local, regional and/or national level. This fellowship allows mid-career journalists to maintain their regular employment while working on a major project over a 12-month calendar year. You’ll pursue the projects with the support of your newsrooms or arranged outlets, which commit to publish or air the work. The fellowship covers the cost of attending the seminars and the annual AHCJ conference, as well as a $4,000 project allowance to defray the cost of field reporting, health data analysis and other project-related research. In addition, you will receive a $2,500 fellowship award upon the successful completion of the project." The application deadline for 2023 is 5 p.m. ET on October 13.

Covering contaminated sites in your community


"Most of us have a contaminated site near us, but without reporters playing a watchdog role these sites often languish for decades, potentially impacting the health of community members. In this webinar, investigative journalist Jordan Gass-Pooré provides tips on the ways journalists can report on contaminated sites by incorporating local voices who have been personally impacted by the pollution that created the contaminated sites, and the knowledge of experts who lay out how future extreme weather events fueled by climate change may threaten to further spread that pollution if clean-up is not done quickly and thoroughly." Links to a video recording, chat log, and slides are available.

British Journalism Awards

Press Gazette

Celebrating the best journalism produced for a U.K. audience, the British Journalism Awards are open to all publishers and journalists in print, broadcast, or online media. The awards acknowledge and recognize great journalism that is revelatory and has a real world impact. Categories include the built environment, energy & environment, health & life sciences, and technology. In 2023, the entry deadline is September 29, and the awards will be given in December.
Resource Database / Guide

PerCientEx Project – Excellence and innovation in science journalism in Latin America

PerCientEx Project

[Translated from Spanish] "The 'PerCientEx Observatory' of scientific journalism is a research project that collects and disseminates examples of quality journalism in Spanish, published in digital written press or digital versions of print media, in the Ibero-American sphere. In our database you will find innovative and high-quality articles on science, technology, health and the environment."
Resource Database / Guide

Science writing resources (elsewhere) that we like

The Open Notebook

This resource page from The Open Notebook gathers resources that "center on science journalism craft, career development, and community. That includes university degree programs and courses in science writing, workshops and other training opportunities, sources of news in the science writing world, membership organizations, major awards and honors, and other learning and professional development resources."
Resource Database / Guide

AHCJ Freelance Center


AHCJ offers a number of resources for freelance journalists working on health-related topics. Unlike other resources from the association, this resource center is freely available for non-members. "Our resources include job postings, advice articles, webcasts, links and more, and we look to members like you to offer suggestions, write tip sheets and expand our available links. We also have an active Freelance Committee interested in pursuing more services for you."

A critical reflection on media coverage of SARS-CoV-2’s origin


"Media coverage of SARS-CoV-2’s origins serves as a fascinating case study that has relevance for other scientific controversies. At the ScienceWriters2022 conference in Memphis, Tenn. in October 2022, CASW convened a panel to discuss how journalists have addressed the special challenges of this highly politicized story. Participants included three journalists who have covered the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic and a scholar who studies the interplay of biomedical science, politics, law, and public reason. Co-organized by Beijing-based independent science writer Jane Qiu and Jon Cohen, senior correspondent for Science, the panel included Katherine Eban, contributing editor for Vanity Fair, and Benjamin Hurlbut of Arizona State University. Deborah Blum, director of the Knight Science Journalism program at MIT, moderated the discussion. Recording of the session was possible through the generous support of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute."

SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment


"SEJ's Awards for Reporting on the Environment honors the best environmental journalism in 10 categories, bringing recognition to the stories that are among the most important on the planet." First-place winners receive $500 prizes, and second-place winners receive $250 prizes. One "best of the best" winner receives $10,000 and travel expenses covered for SEJ's annual conference. The deadline for the 2024 competition is June 17, 2024, with the late deadline (with additional fee) as July 1. The eligibility period is for works published from April 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024, and books with a copyright in 2023.

CASW Victor Cohn Prize for Excellence in Medical Science Reporting


"CASW established the Victor Cohn Prize for Excellence in Medical Science Reporting in 2000. Given annually, the prize seeks to honor a writer for a body of work published or broadcast within the last five years which, for reasons of uncommon clarity, accuracy, breadth of coverage, enterprise, originality, insight and narrative power, has made a profound and lasting contribution to public awareness and understanding of critical advances in medical science and their impact on human health and well-being." The honoree receives an award of $3,000, presented at the NASW/CASW ScienceWriters conference in October.

INN Nonprofit News Awards

Institute for Nonprofit News (INN)

"The INN Nonprofit News Awards, or INNYs, honor excellence in journalism, leadership and community service across the field of nonprofit news. These awards are open to all members of the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN) whose membership is in good standing."

NASW Science in Society Journalism Awards


"The Science in Society Journalism Awards provide recognition for investigative or interpretive reporting about the sciences and their impact on society and are funded by the National Association of Science Writers without subsidy from any professional or commercial interest. Cash prizes are awarded and entries are open to all and free for members." Awards are open for submissions from Dec. 1 to Feb. 1 each year, and winners are presented at the NASW/CASW Science Writers conference in October.

AGU Journalism Awards

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

AGU's journalism awards recognize excellence in Earth and space science journalism. The David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism—News recognizes excellence in science news reporting, produced under deadline pressure of one week or less. The Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism—Features recognizes excellence in science feature reporting, generally produced under a deadline of longer than one week. Awardees receive recognition at AGU's Fall Meeting and covered travel expenses to attend the meeting. The deadline for the 2024 awards, which honor reporting published in 2023, is March 27, 2024.

3M Truth in Science Award

Online News Association (ONA)

"This award, generously supported by 3M, honors a single story that demonstrates excellence in science journalism to educate and engage audiences while combating misinformation. Entries in this category may report across areas such as, but not limited to, health and wellness, climate change, medical and natural sciences, space science, scientific innovation, STEM education and careers, and/or the role of science in society (including issues and opportunities around stereotypes, diversity and inclusion). Journalism in a variety of mediums is encouraged and may include a combination of writing, photography, data visualization, video or audio." The Online Journalism Awards are typically open for entries in April/May and are presented at the Online News Association's annual meeting in late summer/early fall.

Knight Science Journalism Victor K. McElheny Award

Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT

"The Victor K. McElheny Award recognizes outstanding local and regional journalism covering issues in science, public health, technology, or the environment. Each year, the award honors a single entry — be it a series or standalone piece — with a $10,000 prize." Applications for the award are typically open from December to January, with the prize presented in the spring.